Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Intro!

 Hiya! My name is James but you can call me lamesbond007. I'm a mad gamer. I love playing lots of games switching between many at a time. My genres are mainly MMORPG, ARPG, and MOBA. My main focus games right now are Star Wars: The Old Republic, Diablo 3, League of Legends, and Maplestory! I am hoping to post videos about these 4 games but will also be posting about anything that is a video game.

Zakum... The classic Maplestory boss run. One of the most recognizable boss' in the game! My friends will be taking on this behemoth and I just wanted to give them a shot out to kick some molten ass! If you get me ACA10(Advanced Combo Attack) my Hero warrior will be revived from my character selection screen and I will actually play him once more! GOOD luck my friends. May the Maple gods be in your hands.

Maple Pro Joke: "QUICK! Use Hamstring to keep him from moving!

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