Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Maplestory: Does this game have too many classes?

Ghost Mage that uses fans?
With the recent release of Kanna and Hayato classes in the game I have began to wonder more and more if Maplestory is getting over saturated with too many classes. Well I guess it depends on how you like games. For example someone may prefer games with slightly less classes but all classes are extremely balanced. Where as on the other side of it someone may want a lot of those classes to keep them interested in the game itself.

 I personally tend to fall into the category of "more is better". Only in a grind fest MMO like Maplestory. I say that because well it is a grind fest. You will be using the same skills on the same classes for the majority of the game. Sure once you hit 2nd, 3rd, and 4th job you get new skills based off of your class you play, but that initial newness quickly goes away after about 5 to 10 levels for me.With Maplestory releasing class after class lately it does seem a bit redundant, but there is still something about having new classes to explore that can keep me logging in. Now I am not the kind of person who needs a new class every couple of months no. I can stick to a class if I really like it! Since it is a grind fest MMO though you will eventually get bored from the same redundant killing things! That is why I think it is okay for Maplestory to keep releasing classes. As long as they don't release new ones every 3-4 months. Each new class in my opinion needs to have time to sink into the world of Maple and find its niche in groups or parties. If they continue to release more and more classes faster than I think the game will get me sick of the game itself and stop playing it all together.
Badass Samurai!

So does Maplestory have too many classes? Probably. But to my taste of gaming in that kind of genre game I think it is okay to have too many classes. I can understand where people are coming from where having too many classes and none of them balanced can make them not like the game. Lets hope Maplestory starts to slow down on classes for the future!

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